The process of acquiring new property from one class to another class is called inheritance.
1)Single inheritance
When child class is derived from only one parent class is known as single inheritance.
Child inherits quality from parent
Parent class -> Child class
2)Multiple Inheritance
When child class inherits from more than one parent class is called Multiple Inheritance
Child inherits quality from parents
Parent1 -> Child2 <- Parent2
3)Multiple Level Inheritance
When a child class becomes a parent class for another child class
Child inherits from Parents and Parents inherits from Grand parents
Grand Parent -> Parent class -> Child class
4)Hierarchial Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance is the right opposite of multiple inheritance. This means that there are multiple derived child classes from a single parent class.
Children inherit quality from parent
Parent class1->child class 1
Parent class1 ->child class 2
5)Hybrid Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance is the mixture of two or more different types of inheritance. Here we can have many to many relations between parent classes and child classes with multiple levels.
Child inherits from Grand Parents and Parents