CRUD stands for CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE. In SQL Server, CRUD is represented by 4 operations performed on the selected data against a specific SQL database:
- CREATE refers to inserting columns and values into the table
- READ refers to retrieving data from the table
- UPDATE refers to modifying data in the table
- DELETE refers to deleting data and records in the table
- In CRUD operations, C for create which means to add or insert data into the SQL table. So, firstly we will create a table using CREATE command and then we will use the INSERT INTO command to insert rows in the created table
- CREATE TABLE Table_Name (ColumnName1 Datatype, ColumnName2 Datatype,…, ColumnNameN Datatype);
- In CRUD operations, R is for read which means retrieving or fetching the data from the SQL table. So, we will use the SELECT command to fetch the inserted records from the SQL table.
- We can retrieve all the records from a table using an asterisk (*) in a SELECT query. There is also an option of retrieving only those records which satisfy a particular condition by using the WHERE clause in a SELECT query
- SELECT *FROM TableName;
- U stands for the update, which means making updates to the records present in the SQL tables. So, we will use the UPDATE command to make changes in the data present in tables.
- UPDATE Table_Name SET ColumnName = Value WHERE CONDITION;
- D is for delete, which means removing or deleting the records from the SQL tables. We can delete all the rows from the SQL tables using the DELETE query.
- DELETE FROM TableName;